
Lille Lille, France

BioWin Day 2018

Aula Magna Place Raymond Lemaire, 1 B, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

BioWin Day is the international networking event that BioWin organises every two years. This event aims to gather all the actors from the field of biotechnology and medical technology (from Wallonia as well as from other regions), in order for them to share their knowledge and expertise on scientific issues and/or professions, to stimulate innovation and [...]

INTA 2019

Boston Boston, Massachusetts, USA

ILASA 2019

New-York New-York, État de New York, USA

AIPPI London 2019

London London, Royaume-Uni

ICOSA will attend the 2019 AIPPI World Congress in London, on 15-18 September. Once again this year, the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property will offer an interesting and diverse conference program, with a special Pharma Day on September 16, 2019. This will be an opportunity for us to meet and exchange views [...]

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